GO Missions Trip - Costa Rica 2025
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Care & Spiritual Life Coaching

We all have transitional and challenging seasons in our lives - relationally, physically, financially, and spiritually. At Turning Point Church, we offer mentoring and coaching options to help you experience a better life.  Meeting people's needs involves far more than the capacity of our pastors and staff. We have a wonderful Care Team that works together with our Small Groups & Dream Teams to offer the support for people in times of crisis. Caring for others in this way creates a Christ-like environment that brings wholeness and health to our church family. 

Contact the Care Team Director

Care Intake Form

Spiritual Life Coaching

Life is hard and sometimes we feel stuck wondering if we're doing it right. Get connected with a Spiritual Life Coach to help you discover a better life. 
These one-on-one sessions with a Spiritual Life Coach will take you through a helpful process of discovering why you might be stuck in life, who you really are, what your purpose is, and how to live a life of freedom. They will provide you resources to help you jump into your next step. 

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Premarital Mentoring

Love is a good start, but a great marriage needs more. We can connect you with a mentor couple to discover how to build a foundation for a strong, lasting marriage. 
Two to One Premarital Mentoring
You will be connected with a seasoned mentor that will share from their experience and give you a personalized road map for your marriage journey. The mentor will help you and your fiance prepare for marriage by discussing the following topics: Understanding Your Personal History, Great Expectations, God's Design for Marriage, Evaluating Your Relationship, Decision-Making Guide, Authentic Communication, Roles and Responsibilities, Money and Sexual Intimacy. 

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Celebrate Recovery

Addictive behaviors are common and destructive. Our mentor-led groups provide a safe environment to receive the tools and support you need. 
Recovering is a faith-based, 12-step recovery group that provides a safe community for people to experience support and find hope. 
If you are in recovery from alcohol or drug abuse or think you may have a problem with: co-dependency, pornography, sexual addiction, etc. join us to discover the freedom that is possible.   

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Hospital & Shut-in Visitation 

Turning Point's Visitation Team is composed of Dream Teamers who have received training to visit people in hospitals, nursing homes, retirement home, and other places where the need exists. If you are experience a surgery or are homebound, please let us know. 

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If you recently had a surgery, experienced the loss of a loved one or are in a crisis and unable to provide a meal for you or family. Please reach out to our Care Team that will be able to provide meals to help you during your challenging season. 

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Van Rides

We have a Dream Team that picks up people that are not able to drive to the church for our Sunday services. Please click on the link below to get in contact with a member of our staff that will connect you about your transportation needs. 

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Sexual abuse/assault? Past abortion? Miscarriage? It is estimated that 50% of the US adult population have been affected by one (or more) of the five Sexually Related Traumas (SRT). Trauma due to sexual abuse/assault, trauma due to past abortion, trauma due to miscarriages/stillbirths, trauma due to unwanted pregnancy, and trauma due to STDs. It is common for these Sexually Related Traumas (SRT) to lead to symptoms including: anger, depression, shame, anxiety, addictions, feelings of dirtiness and others. The purpose of SRT Services is to create awareness regarding the emotional harm caused by Sexually Related Trauma (SRT) and to provide a path to healing for those affected.

SRT offers free 8 week healing groups that are gender specific. These groups are done in-person and online. Their experienced, trained facilitators are ready to walk with those affected on their path towards healing. The three healing groups offered are:

  • SAVAnon, an eight-week healing program for those who have experienced emotional trauma from sexual abuse or assault.
  • AbAnon, an eight-week healing program for those who have experienced emotional trauma after an abortion.
  • MiSAnon, an eight-week healing program for those who have walked through the emotional trauma of a miscarriage or stillbirth. 

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