GO Missions Trip - Costa Rica 2025
JOIN OUR Early Learning Center Team!

Every Day

Your Gift Makes a Difference! Generosity Can Change Lives

Through your faithful giving, we are making an eternal impact across the world, helping more people hear the life-giving message of Jesus.

Give Online

Online Giving

We are truly grateful for your donation and hope the convenience and simplicity of online giving will be helpful to you. You can use our secure platform to quickly and easily give online, or learn more about managing your account.


Giving In-Person

If you prefer, you can still give during our weekend service by filling out the envelope located in the seat pocket in front of you and placing it in one of the offering containers located on the back wall. You can use this envelope to give by cash or check.

Legacy Giving

Once a year during the month of December or scheduled in your giving throughout the year, we bring a special offering—one that requires sacrifice and one that builds a legacy for future generations. This offering enables us to take a giant leap forward in fulfilling the big opportunities God has placed before us.

Legacy Report 2022

Need Help Figuring Out Giving?

Check out the videos below to help you become an expert using Planning Center Giving!

How to Give OnlineFirst Time Giving

Helpful Links:

Adding a Bank AccountUpdate Your Information

Set Up Online MethodUsing Debit Cards

Giving FAQs

Why We Give

Giving is a principle that is found throughout the entire Bible. “This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else.” -2 Corinthians 9:12-13

When we tithe and give, we are expressing worship in tangible ways of putting God first in our lives, while allowing us to be a part of the most important work in life –that is spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.

What is Tithing?

Tithing is our starting place in giving. The Bible teaches us about a baseline standard for giving: the tithe (a word that literally means a “tenth”). When we give the first 10% of our income through the local church, we put God first in our lives. Tithing is an act of worship that expresses our gratitude, faith, and love for others. God also encourages us to give offerings beyond our tithe to specific projects at Turning Point Church and to other organizations and causes that we partner with.

Give Securely

Subsplash Giving is a PCI-compliant Level 1 service provider and is protected by industry standard encryption, so you can rest assured that your data is protected.