GO Missions Trip - Costa Rica 2025
JOIN OUR Early Learning Center Team!

Our five points

Our Passion

Do whatever it takes to help all people have a deeply rooted relationship with Jesus.

Our Purpose

Be with Jesus.
Become like Jesus.
Do what Jesus did.

Our Principles

We care about spiritual rhythms.
We care about relationships.
We care about choosing joy.
We care about loving our city and the nations. 

Our Practices

Prayerwe pray first and often.
Sabbathwe stop and enjoy God in our rest. 
Scripturewe grow to know God in our Bible reading.
Solitudewe slow down and enter into spaces of quietness.
Fastingwe center our longings and desires on God.
Generositywe give of our money, time, and talents.
Communitywe flourish in relationships and small groups. 
Servicewe serve locally and globally. 
Witnesswe share what God has done. 
Hospitalitywe invite people to share a meal around a table. 
Unitywe work through the tough stuff. 

Our Places

Sent as an apprentice of Jesus to places of work, play, school, living, and influence.