GO Missions Trip - Costa Rica 2025
JOIN OUR Early Learning Center Team!

A journey of being deeply rooted in Jesus!

We want to welcome you to a spiritual journey that will deeply impact your relationship with Jesus. Over the last few years, we have observed discipleship issues within the local church, and have witnessed how shallow the roots are for many who profess to be Christian. It is our heart at Turning Point Church that everyone who is a follower of Jesus would  apprentice their life around the lifestyle of Jesus and grow their roots deep in Him. We want every person to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did. Our central theme verse for this journey ahead comes from Jeremiah 17:7-8 NLT, “But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit." It is our prayer that, regardless of where you are at on your journey of following Jesus, that you would have your roots reach deep to the water of life, who is Jesus.

Welcome to the journey ahead!
Pastors Josh and Melissa
Lead Pastor of Turning Point Church

Prayer - January through April 

The Prayer Practice will help you learn to set aside dedicated time to intentionally be with God, in order to become like him and partner with him in the world.

Talking to God - Session 1 by Practicing the Way

Talking with God - Session 2 by Practicing the Way

Listening to God - Session 3 by Practicing the Way

Being with God - Session 4 by Practicing the Way


Companion guide (print)

Purchase Companion Guide

Podcasts by Practicing the Way:

Rule of Life - Prayer
Talking to God

Talking with God
Listening to God
Being with God

Recommended book to read:

Pray Like Monks, Living Like Fools by Tyler Staton 

Bible Reading and Journaling: 

A key component to our Deeply Rooted journey ahead is our Bible reading. Instead of reading the Bible in a year, we will be slowing down the pace of reading the scriptures. Slowing down means that we will give greater emphasis of time to memorizing scripture (hiding God’s Word in our hearts), taking time to mediate on what God is speaking to us through His word, and journaling our thoughts. We will be doing a three-year journey through scripture. As a part of your Bible reading, we want to highly encourage you to journal. It is proven that when you put pen to paper, you are five times more likely to remember it. You can pick up your own journal or you can purchase the James Method journal.  When you mind map scripture, it will force you to slow down, to give thought to what you are reading, and write out what God is speaking to your heart. Also, this can be a great tool for study. You can purchase your James Method journal here.

Fasting - May through August 

Spiritual Practice of Fasting Handbook PDF

Podcasts by John Mark Comer and The Practicing the Way teaching team:


Podcast #2 - TO GROW IN HOLINESS    

Podcast #3 - To Amplify our Prayers

Podcast #4 - To stand with the poor

Bible Reading and Journaling: 

A key component to our Deeply Rooted journey ahead is our Bible reading. Instead of reading the Bible in a year, we will be slowing down the pace of reading the scriptures. Slowing down means that we will give greater emphasis of time to memorizing scripture (hiding God’s Word in our hearts), taking time to mediate on what God is speaking to us through His word, and journaling our thoughts. We will be doing a three-year journey through scripture. As a part of your Bible reading, we want to highly encourage you to journal. It is proven that when you put pen to paper, you are five times more likely to remember it. You can pick up your own journal or you can purchase the James Method journal.  When you mind map scripture, it will force you to slow down, to give thought to what you are reading, and write out what God is speaking to your heart. Also, this can be a great tool for study. You can purchase your James Method journal here.

Sabbath - September through December

Resources will be made available in August 

2025 Spiritual Practices 
