GO Missions Trip - Costa Rica 2025
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Holiday Services!

by Tim Parker on October 30, 2023

The Holidays are here! And yes, we're a little excited.

Each year, and even more so this time of year, the team here at Turning Point tries to make a difference in our community through outreach and invitation. The Holiday season is the perfect opportunity to press in. To do so, we have a few services and events that we want to keep you informed of.

Trunk or Treat- October 31st- 6pm to 8pm

A trunk or treat offers a one stop location for candy, games, and snacks for our surrounding community. We will be hosting this event in the east side of our parking lot and hope to serve 1,000 families! Come and invite others to join you, or you can help out by hosting a booth or serving hot coco and popcorn.

Thanksgiving Eve Service- November 22nd- 7pm to 8pm

We have much to be thankful for, and sometimes we need to simply take time to remember that. This evening service is focused around taking such time and celebrating all God has done in the past year, all that we are thankful for, and to share these things with one another.

Christmas Services- December 23rd, 7pm to 8pm and December 24th, 10am to 11:15am.

A Savior is born! The Christmas season is full of joy. togetherness, and generosity as we remember the grace of the Father to send Jesus to us. These identical services will have elements to share who Jesus is and classic Christmas hymns sung by candlelight.

Tags: services, information, holiday, times


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