GO Missions Trip - Costa Rica 2025
JOIN OUR Early Learning Center Team!

Day 17- Glory to God

by Melissa Stelly on August 17, 2022

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” 
And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” 

Isaiah 6 
I can see this beautifully in my mind, Isaiah overwhelmed by the mere Presence of the Lord and all His heavenly hosts worshipping Him so loudly it shook the door posts. I once heard an avalanche on the slopes of Mt. Rainier, and it was so powerful that I could feel it in my chest before I even heard it. That is how I imagine Isaiah felt in this ethereal encounter with the Lord. The power and Presence of God could be felt as well as heard, and it left Isaiah wildly waving his hand and exclaiming, “Here am I. Send me!” 

This is a bold declaration telling God you will do whatever He wants you to do. This type of dangerous prayer of submission is not easy to pray, especially if you don’t have a deep trust and reverence for God, a personal experience with the Father like Isaiah did. If you are going to ask God to use you, then a genuine encounter with Him makes this declaration an exciting challenge.  
Isaiah saw the Lord, and he was stunned.  
He was shaken. 
He was astounded.  
The Almighty God was high and lifted up.  
God was on His throne.  
The train of His robe filled the whole temple! When was the last time you had an encounter with God that left you in awe of His holiness? God is too mighty to disrespect. He is too holy to treat casually. He is too majestic to take for granted.  

He is the Glory of Heaven. 

Let me give you a glimpse of who God is. Let these attributes sink in. Let them amaze you. Let them overwhelm you. Be aware of what happens in your heart as you as you become aware just a little bit of His goodness, His grace, His power, His glory. Embrace His holiness and be in awe of how awesome His Name actually is: 

He is not just our God, but He is MY God. 

When was the last time you had an encounter with God that left you in awe of His holiness? 

God wants you to know Him and delights in showing Himself to you. Seek Him. Draw near to Him. Cry out to Him. He is there. He is the God Who Sees You. You will experience Him when you seek Him, watch for Him, and cry out to Him. 

Let us pray and draw near to the Beginning and the End; the great Healer, our Provider, our Shepherd, the Great I AM, our God of Peace. Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you. Let us come to Him in honor and reverence and pray that we will be led by Him and sent by Him. 


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