GO Missions Trip - Costa Rica 2025
JOIN OUR Early Learning Center Team!

Day 15- Send Me

Rather than asking God to serve us, what if we told God we are available to serve Him?

by Josh Stelly on August 15, 2022

God is always at work around us, we just need to ask: what are You doing and how can I partner with You?

 We should pray prayers to invite God’s presence, God’s power, God’s peace to intervene in our lives. We should ask God to do miracles…the impossible on our behalf. Pray that God would do a deep work in the lives of our loved ones and in our city. What if instead of always asking God to do something on our behalf, we dared to ask God to use us on His behalf? We should also be ready to pray Isaiah 6:8 “Then I heard the Lord asking, ‘Whom should I send as a messenger to His people? Who will go for us?’ I said, ‘Here I am. Send me.”

Lord, let that be my heart cry and the heartbeat of all who are Jesus followers. Rather than asking God to serve us, what if we told God we are available to serve Him? God is always at work around us, and we just need to be in tune with Him. I remember as a kid that it was my job to adjust the rabbit ears of our old box TV that had fat knobs to change the channels (certainly a remote was inconceivable at the time). Every time static would consume our TV, I would have to make my way across the living room and adjust the antenna. Overtime I developed a real knack for knowing how to adjust the ears so we could tune into certain channels. Our walk with the Lord is no different. Often the Lord places individuals on my heart and I know that I must stop and pray for them. Even in some cases, I drove to their home to find them in distress and needing support or made a phone call to encourage them. We need to develop a sensitivity to His voice and be obedient to what He is calling us to. One of the most important things is that we become available to Him, remain in tune with the Holy Spirit’s leading.

Galatians 5:25- If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.

We should seek the Lord for all of our needs. But we shouldn’t stop there. We should ask how we can be used as His messenger today.

Prayer Challenge: Today, let us pray and present ourselves to the Lord as living sacrifices, as vessels and instruments of His righteousness. Let us live our lives available, on call, on mission. Here I am, Lord. Send me.


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