GO Missions Trip - Costa Rica 2025
JOIN OUR Early Learning Center Team!

Day 1- Why Prayers Need to be Dangerous

" BIG, DANGEROUS PRAYERS that stretch our faith, expand our hearts, and open our lives to God."

by Monte LeLaCheur on August 01, 2022

Hi everyone!  This is Pastor Monte and as we begin this 21 Days of Prayer, I want to ask each of you a question… Do you believe God still does miracles?  Because, if you do, we need to stop praying such “lame” prayers and really step out in faith.  Let’s stop treating prayer like a religious duty where we struggle through the same old list of prayer requests, trying not let our minds wander.

Those are not the kind of prayers you see God’s people praying in the Bible. Many of them are incredibly personal – where they pour out their deepest needs & desires before the Lord.  Others are very practical – asking God for provision & protection.  Some are gently whispered prayers and others are yelled at God in agony & frustration.  But, they are honest, desperate, fiery, gutsy prayers that are anything but boring.

Now, please don’t misunderstand me… your prayers don’t need to be long, or loud, or in King James English.  They just need to be simple, authentic, heartfelt prayers that are firmly based in the faith that we serve a loving, miracle-working God, whom we can trust to always work in our best interests.  Truly, this is an incredibly important time for each of us to pray BIG, DANGEROUS PRAYERS that stretch our faith, expand our hearts, and open our lives to God.

But, you also need to know this … when we begin to pray things like “search me, break me, send me”, you are moving into enemy territory where you may experience attacks, trials, and hardships.  But that’s exactly when our prayers begin to really make a difference.

Our church family (like the rest of the world) has been challenged by political turmoil, the pandemic, and now we are facing a pastoral transition.  But, with all of my heart, I believe that God wants to launch us into a fresh season of purpose & ministry that will surpass anything that we have seen in our lifetimes.  This world needs Christians who aren’t afraid to pray BIG, DANGEROUS PRAYERS… prayers that will invite God to do great things in our lives and through our church.  Please take some time right now to ask the Lord to fill you afresh with His Spirit during this important season of prayer.

Tags: prayer, faith


Taliea Moore on April 25, 2024 9:11pm

My name is Taliea Please pray that my husband Gene gets a kidney doctor before the 1st of May or else he will not get his dyalisis please faith and pray with us that he gets one before then and that he gets a call back tomorrow please pray and share this the more prayer the better thank you so much. We need a breakthrough. A healing want him to be


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