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Day Nineteen: Next Generation

September 22, 2023

We pray that God will raise up leaders in the next generation who have a passion to see His kingdom advanced in our world today. Pray for protection of hearts and minds as they stand up for a biblical worldview and against the shifting culture around them today. We also pray that the Holy Spirit moves on hearts and starts a revival, calling those who were once far back into right relationship with Him. Pray for mentors and peers to surround the next generation in healthy and meaningful community and a breaking of the spirit of isolation, anxiety, and depression. 


LeeAnn Taylor on September 22, 2023 7:57am

Lord, I pray Your heavenly wisdom overflows from our leaders. I pray for a hedge of protection over leaders in their families, friendships, and service to You. I ask for relationships to be formed that cultivate a spiritual awakening in young hearts. Amen.


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